File Updated to 3.5

I finally finished the editing pass that I've been threatening. Most of that consisted of teaching Affinity Publisher to ignore the weird spellings that we use in RPGs. I also realized that I didn't fix any of the page XX references, so those are fixed now too.

After a social media conversation recently with a purchaser and friend, I threw some words at tying to explain what the game was that inspired the system in Adventures in the Unknown without actually naming it. When you're homaging a system that was used in a licensed game that was based on a major motion picture you have to tread lightly to avoid falling into the trap of trademark violations. 

The system at the core of Adventures in the Unknown was inspired by a well known game about busting ghosts from the early 1980s, with a few tweaks and updates to the system. These changes weren't made because the original game was bad or broken, it was the first dicepool-based role-playing game, and would go on to inspired a number of different games throughout the years. No, in part these changes were made because AitU isn't the only homage to that game available, and I wanted to differentiate this from those games. The big change of going from adding the results of all the dice rolled to counting successes on the dice rolled was a later development for this system that I liked at the time, and it streamlines play and can really speed things up as well. But all of this is why I refer to Adventures in the Unknown as an homage to an earlier game, rather than a clone, because there are a few changes that I have made along the way of playing with this game.

But, hopefully this is it for changes, so I can prepare the files for print at Lulu once the holidays are over.  If you have any questions, you know where to fine me.

Happy Holidays and enjoy your game!



AdventuresInTheUnknown-digital-v3-5.pdf 20 MB
73 days ago

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